Dave Birss An author, educator and consultant who focuses on creativity, innovation and presentation skills. Dave Birss feels uncomfortable being asked what he does because he’s never entirely certain himself. He envies those people who can describe what they do...
Katy Leeson The former Managing Director of Social Chain, host of the ‘I Shouldn’t Say This, But’ podcast, and keen advocate for bringing the human back into the professional world. Katy Leeson is the former Managing Director of Social Chain. Following her...
Dean Johnson A Design, Technology and Innovation Consultant, President Elect of the Chartered Society of Designers and a Rebel with a Cause. Designing the future in the Metaverse AND Reality through Jetpack Moments. “If I was walking down the street and I saw somebody...
Victoria Taylor An experience extraordinaire, consultant & designer to hospitality, themed entertainment and luxury brands who empowers brands to create unique experiences at the intersection of imagination, human centred and future thinking design. Victoria has an...
Daan Roosegaarde Dutch artist and innovator. A creative thinker and maker of social designs which explore the relation between people, technology, and space. TED speaker. Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde is a creative thinker and maker of social designs...
Sir Paul Collier Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. TED speaker. Sir Paul Collier is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, and a...